Henry VIII (TV Drama)
Henry VIII – 2003
This expensive TV production is not one for the historians, because it is massively inaccurate. Don't watch it with one of those art student types because they will tear it apart showing off their wide knowledge and annoy the very fuck out of you. I love reading history books, but I also love great tv drama and so completely forgive the inaccuracies... Haaaaah! So yeah, Henry is played by Ray Winstone who does not exactly try too hard to hide his cockney accent, but this adds to the toughness of King Henry which I liked. The only bit I did not like was the scene when he is getting drunk with his men and Robert Aske of York (Bean) – they seem like a bunch of modern day rowdy football fans, cept' the costumes. And by the Gods the costumes are great!
The supporting cast are awesome: Sean Bean, Helena Bonham Carter (Anne Boleyn), Charles Dance, Emilia Fox (Jane Seymour), David Suchet. All do a superb job.
As you would expect a lot of people get executed, usually by the axe man aka headsman (There is a rather nasty scene with a young first time axe man – he misses the general neck area more than once.) but for those that really piss off the king or harm England: a nice slow burning. The wives of Henry probably indeed had a lot of power over him, but two of them got themselves executed at his order so they clearly had to tread carefully. It truly is fascinating. We learn of the young Elizabeth and Mary. We learn of the short-lived Edward – Henry's only son, who never reached adulthood. We learn how religious England once was and the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Despite its inaccuracies, I think this TV film will get you buying history books to delve deeper into this fascinating period of England's history. Just one of many. The inspiring music and wonderful locations improve it all further. I completely enjoyed this production. 9/10 yes 9...Haaaah! Take that all pedantic art students!