


Crash - 2004
Sometimes clever, but not brilliant. I liked the last crash just before the credits role involving Shaniqua who reveals the problems of intolerance, bigotry, crime and stereotypes are so deep rooted and widespread and that nothing really changes -- the characters themselves all change but the wider problem remains. The film does not seek solutions or try to lay down a great bed of hope with some trite happy endings (but there is some hope behind all the darkness). It also makes LA look like a complete shitehole to live in; maybe it is -- I'm not too bothered about finding out. An impressive cast and good stories. Certainly worth watching. 7/10

"You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself."

Do you think it deserved to win an Oscar?

Although I think anything has to be better than a film about gay cowboys...
I don't think I have seen the other nominations for Best Film, so cannot say if it was the best of the five really. I read that most the judges were from LA and, probably being quite insular, found that the film had a lot of familiar stuff to offer them. The film itself was not worthy of being Best Film.
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