

Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War

Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War – 2004
The fictional story of two brothers, Jin-Seok and Jin-Tae (Dong-Kun Jang), forced to fight for their country during the Korean War (1950-53). A war often overlooked, but actually it involved quite a few countries. The Chinese and Russians supported the Communist North, while the US, UK and others supported the South. The UN was used as a shield to avoid a declaration of war by the US and others. This war was known for its atrocities: many civilians/prisoners were killed by communist forces and southern forces.
Jin-Tae becomes obsessed with gaining renown and medals in order to gain the right to have his beloved brother sent home to their struggling family. He becomes over-protective, and then as the film gets deeper Jin-Tae becomes warped by war, and a new obsession begins. The brothers aspect of the story is very good, but the many battle scenes offer little we have not seen before; pretty much a standard war film. However, this film was highly successful in South Korea and is definitely worth a look. 6.5/10

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