

Shinobi 忍び

Shinobi – 2005
The film is about two hidden away ninja clans who live deep in the mountains with a long history of enmity. Recently there has been peace, until Ogen the leader of the Iga clan and Danjo the leader of the Koga clan are called to meet with Nankobo of the Tokugawa leadership. Nankobo is greatly concerned about these powerful ninja clans out of control hidden away in the mountains. He manipulates the situation in the hope that the clans will destroy each other by pitting their greatest warriors together in battle. Then he can obliterate the vunerable ninja villages with his army, once the best warriors lay slain. Each clan must put forward 5 of their best shinobi and join in battle to the death. The 10 warriors seem like they have been plucked from a beat-em-up video game and are all very cool leading to some fantastic fighting scenes.
A nice little touch is that the leaders of these two selected warrior groups, Oboro and Gennosuke, have prior to the battle secretly fallen for each other resulting in a conflicting and effective love story alongside the battles.
This is one brilliant piece of Japanese coolness and well worth watching all the way through to the inevitable conclusion. 8.5/10

Actually there was a console game on the Master System called Shinobi (and the Super Shinobi on the Megadrive) so maybe you are not too far wrong when you say that the warriors seem like they are from a computer game!

But it all sounds really cool (although the word 'ninja' nearly encapsulates coolness on its own). However I do hope one of the leaders of the groups is female otherwise it would turn out a bit wierd in the love match! If Uma Thurman and Lucy Lui can be ninjas, I guess there's no harm in hoping!!

Going to see any of the big summer blockbusters?
Nah I rent all my films now from Screenselect. Excellent service. If I could be bothered with screaming kids and crying babies (why the hell do people bring babies into the cinema?)and annoying chavs and gossiping girls then I would go to the cinema ahahahhaha. I will be renting X-men 3.
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