

The Island

The Island – 2005
Sean Bean playing a bad guy... whoooo yeah! He does it damn well too. Anyway the story: A young man called Lincoln Six Echo is living in a contained Eutopia it seems. After some kind of nuclear war survivors just like him await their chance to get transferred to the island; the last habitable place left on Earth. It soon becomes apparent all is not right and Lincoln Six Echo develops beyond his design – yep you guessed it from his name he is a robot...nah fuck that he is a clone. Cloned for the very purpose of helping his owner live longer. Rich people invest in clones of themselves for spare parts and even babies. These clones/insurance live in a secure hidden facility and are kept in perfect health. The Island is a lie and much is kept from the clones and the customers/owners, in fact. With his friend, Jordon Two Delta (Scarlett Johansson) Lincoln escapes the facility causing great trouble for all involved climaxing in fucked off Bean – playing Merrick, head of the facility.
The child-like Lincoln Six Echo exploring the outside world is played brilliantly by Ewan Macgregor, who must also play the customer Tom Lincoln (an even better performance by the Scot, possibly even just playing himself). Steve Buscemi, Michael Clarke Duncan, Ethan Phillips (Neelix from Star Trek Voyager) and Djimon Hounsou provide great supporting roles.
It's a entertaining film but a little annoying in places as these two highly vunerable escapees survive the impossible like a great fall that conveniently results in them landing in some random net. But it will never fuck me off as much as the utter shite Anakin pulled off at the end of the Phantom Menace. The Island is an entertaining romp. 6/10

For your edification... the concept of clones being used as spare parts is very similar to the premise of the book "Spares" by Michael Marshall Smith, an excellent author I would highly recommend. I would suggest you begin with another of his tomes, "Only Forward", if only because I enjoyed it slightly more. Oh, and watch out for incoming emailage!!! Cheers, Nick.
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