

King Kong

King Kong – 2005
A spectacular production brimming with special effects from the Lord of the Rings Weta team. It's about a film maker eager to record the amazing and so him and his crew head off to the mysterious and unmapped Skull Island. They meet the savage and primitive natives who kill one of the crew and capture the main star Ann Darrow (beautiful Kent born Naomi Watts). The primitives then offer Ann to the Kong as a sacrifice. The crew begin a rescue mission to save her. The savage primitive ugly folk (acting just like orcs really) vanish from the film/script once the ship's crew appear with guns. Kong gets Ann and ends up quite liking her and wanting to protect her from frickin everything. She becomes very fond of him too. Kong is clearly king of the jungle as he kicks multiple T-rex ass: these scenes are bloody brilliant. Stuff happens that leads to the capture of Kong and his return to New York making all involved rich. However, Kong escapes and searches for his blondie babe and climbs a tall building, smashes some planes, takes too many bullets and falls to death. The end. Only it's done beautifully well thanks to Peter and Fran and others. Some nice comedy touches too throughout the film.
The film also stars Jack Black as the ambitious film maker Carl Denham. Adrien Brody is Ann's love interest and writer Jack Driscoll. It's a long and fun adventure with an ineluctable ending... unless ya turn it off near the end to avoid sobbing. 6.5/10

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